John & Anne Wiley


Valley Vineyards

Filed under: Flying,Happiness,Has Photos,Nature,Random,SB Region — John @ 18:06

On a quick Tripp trip to Santa Maria, we were startled by the Fall colors of these vineyards in the Santa Ynez Valley.

7742 Colors & Shapes

7742 Colors & Shapes

That first one seemed to stand alone in a vast brown SoCA Fall landscape, but soon we saw others closer to Lompoc.

7744 Yellow Slices

7744 Yellow Slices

I guess a vintner could tell us why this field is predominantly yellow, when many nearby have more reds and oranges. Different grape varieties, or climate and soil?

7746 Grape Glory

7746 Grape Glory

I like the “glory” effect of the light where Tripp’s shadow would be. It’s making that yellow field at the far edge of the vineyards look brighter, even though the glory spot itself is further in the distance and a little to the right. You may notice the sun’s lower in this one because we’re on our way home to SB. This last one for today adds in some green shapes, and that mirror effect on the pond that still water sometimes gets from reflected sky when you’re flying.

7747 Patchwork

7747 Patchwork

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