John & Anne Wiley



Filed under: Flying,Happiness,Has Photos,Nature,Random,SB Region — John @ 00:09

I quite enjoy touring the rocks in our mountains, and seem to always find many new favorites and different perspectives on old friends. On this flight my fav newcomer is this one Anne named the witch hat.

9716 Witch Hat Rock

9716 Witch Hat Rock

To me it was an exploding star until she pointed out the pointy black hat with hair trailing off to the right and even an impression of a broomstick. Then I noticed some sort of Bart Simpson cartoon character in this one.

9727 Bart vs. Mouse

9727 Bart vs. Mouse

There’s a black mouse facing right nose to nose with “Bart” who’s facing left. I like the other shapes and textures too, including that dark shape carved deeply into the light colored stone at the top left of the pic. These features are on the slope below Lizard’s Mouth, with Witch in the center of this pic and Bart just off to the lower right.

9724 Rock Array

9724 Rock Array

Then there’s this spot a bit further to the right (East) where I see other shapes. Do you see any?

9736 More Impressions

9736 More Impressions

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