John & Anne Wiley


All The McWay

As you’ve guessed, we have many favorite spots along the Big Sur coast. One is the Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, with all its McWay attractions.

5733 Julia Pfeiffer Burns

5733 Julia Pfeiffer Burns

Though it’s less noticeable now, these mountains were devastated by the 2008 fire (link has my 9/1/2008 aerial). At the bottom of the pic above you can see a dirt path out to the point where you might get a glimpse of these sea caves.

5730 McWay Sea Caves

5730 McWay Sea Caves

Though there are many attractions, the iconic spot here is McWay Cove where tourists stop to admire the pristine beach.

5721 McWay Cove

5721 McWay Cove

There’s some parking along the road, with a big lot beyond the top of this pic where a path leads through a tunnel under the highway to the trail you can see running off to the left. There you can look at the remains of the McWay Waterfall House built to include a view of the graceful waterfall that’s still running in this extreme drought.

5717 Falls & Caves

5717 Falls & Caves

The house didn’t include a view of these additional sea caves on this side of the cove. There’s also the McWay Creek Falls a short walk up from the big parking lot. But this more commonly seen McWay Falls landing directly on the beach is the one most people think of because it’s so rare and serenely beautiful.

5721b McWay Cove Falls

5721b McWay Cove Falls

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