John & Anne Wiley



Flying has redefined my frames. For some aviators it’s about reframing travel, in that you can go from here to there very quickly. Akin to the difference between using your feet or your car to go ten miles, especially subtracting the “security” and early check-in of airlines. But for me it’s much more about the frame of an art work.

0081 Framed Tree

0081 Framed Tree

From a quarter mile or so up we see a vast expanse of breathtaking beauty, so snapping a pic like this with a superzoom lens is about choosing the frame. The tree was surrounded by acres of the white hothouse tents, and that made it art even more than a tree in a meadow. Other art I see aloft is reframed by the fresh perspective of a hawk eye.

0106 Framed Dune

0106 Framed Dune

This dune at Vandenberg is different at every angle, in every light, at every scale, and every day. So how my eye frames it and chooses the moment to snap, freezes it into static art that I can now explore in detail. Unlike the hawk who probably sees only movement in the soaring search for fresh food, my eye brushes the texture of scrub and sifts the contour of fine sand. In a different moment I am filling the frame with a divide between streaks of sand and marching waves.

0105 Framed Divide

0105 Framed Divide

They meet in a battle of colors and shapes wrought by the wind, creating a geometry of mind that I call art. Before long our magic carpet transports the framing eye to another shore where sculptures jut from one dimension to another, accented by an eroded line to the sea wearing a garland of foam.

0127 Framed Stone

0127 Framed Stone

In this way, everything becomes art. Being on the ground is transformed by these forays into the sky. Waking is transformed by dreams.

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